5 Quotes from Saint Dominic on the Power of the Rosary
Saint Dominic loved the Rosary, and can be credited with helping grow the popularity of the Rosary.
In a vision, Our Lady appeared to him and revealed a rose-wreath in the form of a rosary. She counseled him that the true faith would eventually triumph if he spread it to everyone who would listen and prayed the rosary every day.
Although Dominic is frequently given credit for its creation, the rosary was actually created before Dominic. But Dominic did spread the rosary and use it to strengthen his own spirituality. Here are some Saint Dominic Rosary Quotes about the power of this prayer.
Saint Dominic Rosary Quote 1
One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world.
Saint Dominic Rosary Quote 2
The Holy Rosary is the best artillery against demons and their followers.
Saint Dominic Rosary Quote 3
Whoever devoutly serves the Blessed Virgin through the recitation of the Rosary will infallibly receive blessings according to their spiritual and temporal needs.
Saint Dominic Rosary Quote 4
You see the wonderful results I have had in preaching the Holy Rosary. You and those who love Our Lady must do the same; through the holy devotion of the Rosary, you will attract all to the true science of the virtues.
Saint Dominic Rosary Quote 5
None who perseveres in devotion to the Holy Rosary will be condemned.
Saint Dominic and the Dogs of the Lord Shirt
The design of the Saint Dominic shirt was inspired by a vision that St. Dominic's mother had of him.
Saint Dominic was born in 1170. His parents were Felix Guzman and Juanna de Aza. Before conceiving Dominic, the couple experienced infertility. Juanna took a pilgrimage to the abbey at Silos, and there she received a vision. In the vision, she saw a dog leap from her womb. The dog was carrying a flaming torch, and Juanna said that the dog “seemed to set the earth on fire.”
Later in his life, Dominic went on to found the Dominican order, – Dominicanus in the Latin translation. The order’s name is a play on words. Domini Canis is Latin for “Dogs of the Lord.”
In his time, the men and women of the Christian faith were led away from the truth by false teachers and heresies running rampant through the Church. Dominic and his brother priests infiltrated Catholic universities to dispel these lies and draw the faithful back to full, authentic discipleship with our Lord Jesus. St. Dominic, pray for us!
Saint Dominic "Dogs of the Lord" Shirt
Other Catholic Prayers and Novenas
How to Pray the Rosary: Illustrative Guide
The Litany of Humility: The Toughest Prayer
How to Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
The 54-Day Rosary Novena: How to Pray
Chaplet of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Pray Guide and PDF
The Rosary Card - Built For Convenience
As you learn to pray, check out our Rosary Cards. You can use them to pray the closing prayers of the Rosary! They are designed for convenience (same size as a Credit Card) and make it much easier to pray more often.
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