The Gratitude Rosary | How to pray, History, and Free PDF
The Gratitude Rosary is a unique way to pray a traditional Rosary, this time with a mindset of Gratitude. We all struggle at different points in our lives with various trials. These trials can create negativity that causes us to lose peace and focus only on the bad instead of the good. Fortunately, practicing healthy spirituality can help us focus on the goodness God has blessed us with.
This is a prayer that is recited on Rosary beads and is all about giving thanks to God for the blessings in our lives. Praying this prayer intentionally can help us see the good in our lives instead of the hardships we face.
How to Pray the Gratitude Rosary
The Rosary of Gratitude is simple to memorize and pray.
The opening prayers are the same as the original Rosary: the Apostles’ Creed, an Our Father, three Hail Marys, and a Glory Be.
On the bead that introduces each new decade, pray an Our Father.
On the 10 beads of the decades, instead of a Hail Mary, tell God something you are grateful for. This could be as simple as your health, or as detailed as a memory you have from when you were growing up.
Trying to come up with 50 things you are grateful for might seem intimidating. Once you start though, it is easy to keep thinking of blessings in your life. If you ever get stuck, take a look around at the environment you are in and try to find inspiration there. Each bead gives you a brief opportunity to focus on that item with true gratitude.
To close the Rosary of Gratitude, you can pray the Hail Holy Queen like a regular Rosary. Or, you can come up with something personal to conclude with.
To be clear, this isn't a form of the Rosary that is advocated by the Church and is in no way a repacement for the Rosary. It can simply serve as a tool to help increase your gratitude as part of your faith life. Here's a reference to the where this started to become popularized.
For a refresher on how to pray any of the prayers of the Rosary, check out this blog. For a quick reference to the Rosary of Gratitude, check out this PDF.
Other Ways to Pray the Rosary of Gratitude
Erin McCole Cupp’s website has a beautiful Chaplet of Gratitude that is slightly different from the Rosary of Gratitude.
You can also add the Rosary of Gratitude into a regular Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet. You can say a gratitude after each prayer on the decade beads or at the beginning and/or end of the decade.
This is a great practice to use reguraly thoughout your day. Praying a gratitute Rosary during a work break, on a commute, or even while doing a house hold chore are simple but powerful opportunities to sanctify your life.
The Rosary of Gratitude is a great prayer to recite when anxieties steer your mind away from the good. Giving thanks to God is a simple way to turn our focus to the blessings we have been given, which can help us to feel more joyful and peaceful.
The Rosary Card - Built For Convenience
Try praying the Gratitute Rosary on a Rosary Card! They are designed for convenience (same size as a Credit Card) and make it much easier to pray the Rosary often.
See more options here.
Please let me know how your journey with the Rosary is going, I'd love to hear from you. Send me a message an email at: brennan@everydayprayerco.com
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