Learn to Pray the Rosary Video | My Role Models for the Rosary
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Learn to Pray the Rosary Video
When I was just starting to learn how to say the Rosary, I found that praying it alone was a little bit of a challenge. I was unsure if I was saying the prayers correctly, and if I was praying things in the right order, and it made it much harder to really pray. That changed when I found a Rosary video.
Anytime you start something new - learn to play piano, learn to dribble a basketball, or learn to pray the Rosary - it's very helpful to have someone model it for you. Role models help us learn new skills very quickly.
I'd like to introduce you to my models for praying the Rosary.
Father Mark-Mary and Brother Malachy.
These great godly men are Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, and have a channel as on the Catholic Media Company, Ascension Presents.
I encourage you to check out all the videos of Ascension Presents, but I specifically wanted to highlight the one by Father Mark-Mary and Brother Malachy entitled, "Pray with Us: The Holy Rosary."
The content of the video is very simple - these two men simply pray the Rosary, and invite you to pray along with them. I love this video for two reasons.
When I'm praying the Rosary alone, it gives me someone to pray with.
The Friars properly and authentically model how to pray the Rosary.
Rosary Video: Someone to Pray With
I was taught early on that our faith is meant to be communal; we are designed to celebrate faith in relationship to each other. Praying the Rosary is no different, it's designed for Christians to pray it together. Sacred Heart, my local parish has a daily Rosary time; each morning before Mass all are invited to participate in.
When I was first learning the Rosary, I was a little anxious about praying it with other people, especially when I was still learning the prayers. That's when I found the video from Father Mark-Mary and Brother Malachy.
There are other Rosary videos on Youtube, but I found many of these to feel somewhat in-personal and frankly, old. What I love about the video from Ascension Presents is how personable and authentic the Friars come across. Praying with these guys feels like I'm in the room with them, praying together. Being a young guy myself, it was easy to identify with these men and I felt reassured as I prayed along with them.
It also quickly allowed me to learn how to pray the Rosary in community. There's an established pattern that Christians follow when praying the Rosary in a group. A leader will pray the beginning parts of the prayer, and then the group will recite the rest. Praying with the Friars, you quickly can pick up on this and learn it. I normally pick one of the brothers to copy and follow them through the prayer.
I do want to note that the best-case scenario would be to pray the Rosary with your friends and family in-person. But when you are unable to do this, this video is a great way to still have someone to pray with and I've found a great grace in it. I just have to remind myself that it should never replace praying the Rosary with people in real life. Here's another great list of tips to pray the Rosary everyday.
Rosary Video: Rosary Models
I wanted to point out a couple of ways the brothers model how to pray the Rosary, and what I've learned from them.
When I was starting to learn the Rosary, it felt somewhat awkward doing it on my own, and often found myself rushing through it. What I especially love about praying with Mark-Mary and Malachy is that they slow me down, and give me someone to follow. The Rosary should never be about just doing the Rosary because we should; it's not something to cross off our to-do list. Praying with the Friars helps me slow down and be intentional about the prayer.
One of the things I especially appreciate is how, when Brother Malachy is leading one of the decades, he intentionally and slowly says "Jesus" during the Hail Mary. It's almost as if he's 'chewing' on Jesus's name. That might sound really weird, but it makes me present to way Jesus is in the Eucharist; it reminds me that Jesus is at the center of the Rosary.
I once heard a speaker talk about how the name of Jesus should be the heartbeat of the Rosary. Listen to the way Brother Malachy says Jesus, and centers the prayer around his venerable name.
When I am about to begin a new Rosary, often Father Mark-Mary and Brother Malachy come to my mind, and remind me about what I am about to do. They remind me to slow down, be intentional about what I'm doing, and to center this prayer right around Jesus. They've comforted me as I learn to pray this prayer, and even though I don't pray with them each time I recite the Holy Rosary, they've helped me learn to make the Rosary a valuable and personal devotion.
If you are in need of someone to pray with you or teach you the Rosary, look to Father Mark-Mary and Brother Malachy as role models of the most Holy Rosary.
Want to go deeper in the Rosary? Here are 50 powerful quotes on the Rosary from Saints throughout history.
The Rosary Card - Built For Convenience
As you learn to pray the Rosary, check out our Rosary Cards. They are designed for convenience (same size as a Credit Card) and make it much easier to pray the Rosary often.

Please let me know how your journey with the Rosary is going, I'd love to hear from you. Send me a message an email at: brennan@everydayprayerco.com
Need a Rosary to get started? Check out our Wallet Rosary Cards. It'll make sure you are never without the Rosary.
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