Everyday Prayer Co Stone St Dominic Cap 🐶
Everyday Prayer Co Stone St Dominic Cap 🐶
Everyday Prayer Co Stone St Dominic Cap 🐶
Everyday Prayer Co Stone St Dominic Cap 🐶

St Dominic Cap 🐶


This vintage design was inspired by the story of St. Dominic, one of the early saints who was a champion of the Rosary, and the founder of the Dominicans. Domini Canes, is a Latin phrase that means 'dogs of the Lord' It's from where the Dominicans have adopted their name from.

When St. Dominic's mother, Blessed Jane of Aza, was pregnant, she had a dream of a dog with a torch in its mouth, running around the world and setting everything on fire. She went to the monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos and asked a monk what it meant. He replied that the child in her womb would be a great preacher, who would set the world ablaze with the fire of his words.

Cap Details
🐶 100% chino cotton twill
🐶 Unstructured, 6-panel, low-profile
🐶 One Size Fits All
🐶 Adjustable strap with antique buckle

Learn more about St Dominic and the Dogs of the Lord.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sam Voltaggio
The Dominic cap

I am well please with the cap as it is a premium grade well made. Most of all the representation of one of the greatest Saints, who in his mother's dream envisioned St. Dominic as the Canine running with the torch to inspire all in his preaching to pray the rosary! This Is my most favorite cap, You will delight in any of everydayprayer caps featured from their company!